2010年6月26日 星期六
World Cup Octopus: Paul
World Cup Octopus Predictor: Paul
Photo source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/24/world-cup-octopus-pauls-p_n_624597.html
An Octopus in Germany is stunning soccer fans around the world with his remarkable ability to predict the outcome of German World Cup games. Paul, a mollusk in Oberhausen, has correctly picked the result of all three German games so far. Most recently, the savvy octopus foresaw that Germany would edge Ghana to advance to the tournament's knockout stage.
Thomas: 估這麼準喔? 真想看看這隻章魚用八隻爪「博杯」的樣子…
2010年6月24日 星期四
Victory Kiss - tributes paid to Edith Shain
Victory Kiss in Times Square
Photo source: google map
Back in the day, you could walk up to a stranger in the middle of Times Square and passionately kiss her without incurring a seven-figure lawsuit. That’s how it was on V-J Day in 1945, when World War II officially ended and an iconic photo was snapped.
Thomas: 也只有天時 (二戰結束)、地利 (紐約時代廣場)、人和 (水手與護士) 備齊才能拍出這種等級的照片了…
Shweeb: Your Space, Your Time, Your Power
Photo source: http://shweeb.com/index.php?m=transport
Travel is a means of getting somewhere in order to do something. It is a necessity; it’s usually something that we do because we have to, not because we want to. Sometimes we wish we could click our fingers and instantly arrive at our destination.
We tend not to like travelling because it’s uncomfortable, there’s not much space, not enough leg room, we spend our time stuck in traffic or on a broken down train... and we are completely powerless to do anything about it.
The design principles of Shweeb aim to put you, the traveller, back in control of your own space, time and power.
Thomas: 台灣什麼時候會有這個呢?
Treskilling Yellow
Photo source: google map
這枚「黃色3斯基林」(Treskilling Yellow)、也就是3先令的郵票,是全世界最罕見的郵票之一。當年不僅印刷發生錯誤,還把錯印顏色的3先令郵票發行出去。3先令郵票通常是綠色,8先令郵票才是黃色。在1885年的時候,一個瑞典小男孩為了賺取零用錢,東翻西找撿到這枚郵票。從此之後,這枚「黃色3斯基林」就輾轉經手過好幾名集郵家之手,包括一位德國貴族和一位比利時大財主。這枚郵票最近一次出售,是在1996年拍賣會上,當時售價高達287萬5000瑞士法郎(450萬美元)。
郵票拍賣官費德曼(David Feldman)並未透露買家身份,也不願說出這次成交價格。不過他們說,這枚郵票還是全世界最昂貴的郵票。
Thomas: 一張一億多台幣的郵票…
Shard London Bridge
Shard London Bridge
Photo source: wikipedia
Shard London Bridge, previously known as London Bridge Tower,[1][2] and also known as the Shard of Glass[3][4], 32 London Bridge, and The Shard is a supertall skyscraper under construction in Southwark, London, United Kingdom. When completed in 2012 it will be one of the tallest building in the European Union.
Thomas: 根據Times報導,倫敦金融中心頂級辦公室一坪的月租金要10萬台幣耶…
BMW Headquarters
BMW Headquarters
Photo source: google map
BMW Headquarters (German: BMW-Vierzylinder "BMW four-cylinder"; also BMW Tower) is a Munich landmark, which has been serving as world headquarters for the Bavarian automaker for over 30 years. The building was declared historical in 1999. An extensive remodel commenced in 2004 and was completed in 2006.
Thomas: 小弟也是 BMW 的愛好者,有錢一定要去德國朝聖一下哩~
2010年6月23日 星期三
Let's rock with Mamy Ruth Flowers
Ruth Flowers
Photo source: Ruth Flowers Offical Website
Ruth Flowers, 69-year-old, is the matriarch and the hippest English deejay of our time.She is an unusual and charismatic woman who shows with facility her unique fresh and dynamic personality. Nice and eccentric, strong and full of energy, she likes to have fun and to bring everyone in her wake. While preparing the launching of her electro-rock EP “MamyRock”, you will meet her performing at the Cannes Film Festival most private partys at la villa MURANO.
Thomas: 人生70才開始,30歲是青春期呀~
Tributes paid to Derrick Bird's victims
Derrick Bird's victims - and their killer
Photo source: Times
A trivial row over rivals stealing fares is believed to have sparked a taxi driver's horrific killing spree which left 13 dead. After a heated argument, Derrick Bird is said to have stormed off saying: 'There's going to be a rampage tomorrow.'
Bird, 52, awoke next morning to commit the worst massacre in Britain since Dunblane.
引用: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1283547/Cumbria-shootings-Taxi-driver-Derrick-Birds-victim-twin-brother.html#ixzz0rhIMLv2m
Thomas: 這張照片令我震憾、不能久視…
Too Hot to Work in a Bank?
Debrahlee Lorenzana
Photo source: google map
Thomas: 學習 too ... to +V 句型最好的一個例子!
Abigail (“Abby”) Sunderland
Photo source: google map
Abigail (“Abby”) Sunderland
Born: 10.19.1993
Hometown: Thousand Oaks, California
Started Sailing: 6 months
Story: 於2010年1月23日單獨駕駛40呎長的帆船,從加州出發環繞世界,希望能在不停靠任何地方的情況下,成功完成單人環繞世界一周的願望。於2010年6月10日傳出在印度洋附近遭遇暴風雨,失去聯繫,所幸安然無恙。
Thomas: 原來有六個月經驗就可以出發啦?
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